Did dsm 5
Did dsm 5

did dsm 5

Overall considerations for DSM-5 Elimination of the Multi-Axial System I have been fortunate enough to work with hundreds of patients across the severity spectrum-from those ambulatory to those prostrate with life-threatening medical complications from the neophyte beginning to experiment with eating disordered behaviors to those, unfortunately, chronically ill. My frame of reference is that of a treating and supervising psychiatrist who has specialized in treating eating disorders with more than 20 years in both inpatient and outpatient settings. In attempting to understand and treat eating disorders, there are many benefits for our patients in doing so.

did dsm 5

But I would be remiss in the area of clinical utility if I did not take a moment to briefly discuss the rationale for thinking diagnostically, as well as the benefit of considering comorbidity. However, my goal in this limited discourse is to highlight the logical and clinically relevant evolution of the DSM section on eating disorders. There are important changes for many psychiatric diagnoses in DSM-5, including several comorbid diagnoses frequently associated with eating disorders. It is also a moment to contemplate and applaud most of the changes in the diagnostic nomenclature, as they should aid significantly in the clinician’s ability to “officially” diagnose and label, provide earlier clinical intervention, and (hopefully) be reimbursed for these increasingly prevalent and debilitating diseases.

#Did dsm 5 manual

The advent of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition(DSM-5) is a great opportunity to mark where we are as specialists in understanding eating disorders.

Did dsm 5